Collection: Vendor Cart

A little tired of spending money on a prop that only gets used once? That's why My Magical Moments have designed the perfect prop. An interchangeable Vendor Cart that can be used time and time again. The Huge Vendor Cart is compatible with every elf brand you have visiting.

Unlimited options at no extra cost.

Being a great price, made from wood it will last until your elf decides to permanently go back to the north pole. At no extra cost, you have access to our ever-growing shop front cart printables.

Watch it become a hot dog, ice cream, cupcake or even lemonade stand You have the option to use just the printable or pair it with some of our elf food or costumes.

Shop all your elf Vendor needs in this section. Ensure you check back each year as we continue to design and make additions to our range.

It's bigger than it looks

That's what she said. It's impressive size, leaves our customers wanting more. This is the most talked about item in our elf range. Above all else the pure shock of opening your package to see this big,  beautiful elf prop is worth every penny.

It tends to sell out each year so don't hesitate to add it to your cart.  We offer hassle-free shipping across Australia and New Zealand for orders over $100. I'm sure you will keep coming back for more.